Our goal is to support schools, school districts and other educational organizations in breaking free from the factory model of education and successfully taking their programs authentically into the 21st century. We provide support for creating truly 21st century schools that are holistically designed. See our Framework for 21st Century Schools here. Also, please see How We Are Different!
Keynotes |
Conference Planning |
We can provide your organization with inspiring keynote addresses on a variety of topics related to 21st century education!
Learn about our Keynotes here. |
The first conference of its kind anywhere in the world, the conference we design for you will inspire, inform and energize educators to create truly 21st century schools! Learn more here.
WorkshopsPersonalized, one-on-one and small team support right in the classroom. Learn more here.
Needs AssessmentBefore planning and implementing any new initiative, it's a good idea to conduct a thorough Needs Assessment. Let us show you how we can provide that service for you. Learn more here about Needs Assessment.
Strategic Planning
From policies and procedures to integration of technologies, curriculum design, professional development, facilities and schoolyards - our compasses for 21st century education will guide our Strategic Planning with your organization! Visit Strategic Planning!
Restructuring for the 21st CenturyLet us help you restructure your schools for the 21st century. The 21st century requires a different way of organizing students and the curriculum. Let us help you restructure your schools into communities that support 21st century learning! Go to Organizing For Success!
Facilities PlanningLet us help you design a physical learning environment that truly supports 21st century learning! Whether you are planning to build new facilities or renovate, we will ensure that your schools are not duplicating factory model education. Learn more here.
Living SchoolyardsA key component of an authentic 21st century learning environment is the Living Schoolyard. From social/emotional learning to integrating the content standards, let us design a Living Schoolyard for you! Visit Living Schoolyards
Curriculum Design
Daily School Schedules for the 21st CenturyIt's time to lose the "cells and bells"! We can support you in providing students with truly 21st century learning experiences. Moving away from the factory model of 8 to 11 class periods per day, let us help you design a schedule that meets the needs of 21st century learners - truly personalized! See New Schedules!
Food & Culture - a global PBL21 Project |
Free Resources
We have a variety of Resources that can get you started in the right direction. Resources include: our newsletter, 21st Century Schools eNews, Articles on 21st Century Education, PBL21 Curriculum Resources and Ideas, and information on a variety of literacies.