New Daily and Annual Schedules for 21st Century Schools
First of all, let us say that the type of new schedules we are recommending for 21st century schools are not necessarily schedules that are only "21st century". There have been times through history that learning was not scheduled as we have in schools today - basically, 8 to 11 class periods per day, approximately 40 minutes per class. That schedule was born in and for the Industrial Age, preparing students for work in factories where they would be on time, obedient and work/move "by the bell". That is where today's bell schedule came from.
That said, the schedule recommended for 21st century schools is a disruption of daily school schedules that are currently in place. The 40-minute bell schedules in schools today are obsolete, and cannot prepare students for success in the 21st century.
Going back to the purpose of education, or the purpose of schools, the Industrial Age is long gone; the Knowledge Age is over; and now we are living in the Age of Innovation.
We have already recommended strategies for restructuring schools as they truly transition into the 21st century. Basically, this is a transition to curriculum that is integrated, interdisciplinary and project-based. The further we move on the continuum from traditional to 21st century learning, the more we will see curriculum that is student-centered and student-driven; we will see more of students designing their own curriculum/projects, and we will see teachers moving from the role of "giver of knowledge" delivered via lecture and assignments, to facilitator and advisor of students.
This does not mean that the standards, CCSS or otherwise, are abandoned. It means that the learning experiences of students will be truly Personalized and Differentiated. Personalized is not the same as a micro-skills computer program, taking students from one level to the next. Personalized education means that it is designed and guided by each student's interests, experiences, and learning styles; it also means that the learning itself is not "time-based" but "outcome-based". Students naturally learn at different rates, and we need to accommodate that.
Once the Physical Environment to support 21st century learning is in place, that is facilities and schoolyards, and the restructuring, or organization of students and teachers is in place within those physical spaces, we can then construct a more meaningful and productive daily schedule for students, and teachers. Essentially, this provides for a more flexible daily schedule in which truly deeper learning, project-based learning, can happen.
No matter how large a school may be, it is possible to reconstruct the schedule in order to provide students with a meaningful, 21st century curriculum! We can support you in this effort by working with you to create these new schedules - AND, we can also help you create within that schedule:
We can provide your teachers with needed support during these two-week planning periods. And we can assist you in partnering with experts who will support the student enrichment activities during the two-week breaks between projects.
It can be done - more easily than you can imagine - and is being done currently in schools today! Contact us for more information:
That said, the schedule recommended for 21st century schools is a disruption of daily school schedules that are currently in place. The 40-minute bell schedules in schools today are obsolete, and cannot prepare students for success in the 21st century.
Going back to the purpose of education, or the purpose of schools, the Industrial Age is long gone; the Knowledge Age is over; and now we are living in the Age of Innovation.
We have already recommended strategies for restructuring schools as they truly transition into the 21st century. Basically, this is a transition to curriculum that is integrated, interdisciplinary and project-based. The further we move on the continuum from traditional to 21st century learning, the more we will see curriculum that is student-centered and student-driven; we will see more of students designing their own curriculum/projects, and we will see teachers moving from the role of "giver of knowledge" delivered via lecture and assignments, to facilitator and advisor of students.
This does not mean that the standards, CCSS or otherwise, are abandoned. It means that the learning experiences of students will be truly Personalized and Differentiated. Personalized is not the same as a micro-skills computer program, taking students from one level to the next. Personalized education means that it is designed and guided by each student's interests, experiences, and learning styles; it also means that the learning itself is not "time-based" but "outcome-based". Students naturally learn at different rates, and we need to accommodate that.
Once the Physical Environment to support 21st century learning is in place, that is facilities and schoolyards, and the restructuring, or organization of students and teachers is in place within those physical spaces, we can then construct a more meaningful and productive daily schedule for students, and teachers. Essentially, this provides for a more flexible daily schedule in which truly deeper learning, project-based learning, can happen.
No matter how large a school may be, it is possible to reconstruct the schedule in order to provide students with a meaningful, 21st century curriculum! We can support you in this effort by working with you to create these new schedules - AND, we can also help you create within that schedule:
- Collaborative daily planning time for interdisciplinary teacher teams
- A new Annual Schedule which allows for 2-week planning periods for teachers to design their PBL21 curriculum between projects - these are 2-week periods in which the teachers do not work with the students (but the students are still in school), and the teachers can do the necessary research, planning and organization needed for truly deep projects.
- Planning for student activities and rich learning experiences for the two-week Teacher Project Planning periods
- This can be done without the added expense, or disruption, of hiring an army of substitutes. It simply requires a new way of looking at and reorganizing the schedule.
- A two-week intensive Curriculum Writing Institute every summer - scheduled early enough so that teachers have ample time to do the research and planning before school begins. ("Professional Development" which enables real change should not be scheduled to take place in the final days of summer vacation, a few days before the first day of school each year. This time is when teachers are focused on getting their classrooms ready and putting the final touches on their curriculum plans.)
We can provide your teachers with needed support during these two-week planning periods. And we can assist you in partnering with experts who will support the student enrichment activities during the two-week breaks between projects.
It can be done - more easily than you can imagine - and is being done currently in schools today! Contact us for more information: